11Oct 14, 2014
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 was released a couple of weeks ago. I have download and installed it and so far it seems like it can co-exist with Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 without any issues (which was not the case with my 2013 and 2013 R2 versions, so this is great). To me the improvements that […]
12Sep 22, 2014
This is something that I did some days ago and I thought it was creative enough to be worth a blog post. The task was to do a onetime mass update to the item records. There were more than 85.000 items in the company and they all had two production bin fields that needed to be […]
13Aug 24, 2014
Here is a small tip (some of you might already know it): the GETURL together with the HYPERLINK can be used to run objects in NAV 2013 (even tables 🙂 ). I am working on a tool to delete records from a database (to ‘clean’ a company from transactional data for example). Part of this […]
14Jul 9, 2014
For those of you that are reading my blog posts you probably know that I have been working on a Shop Floor Terminal role center for Microsoft Dynamics NAV (mostly for my own training, kind of how I learn). I have finally got some time to finish it (was stuck at Tampa airport for 3 […]
15Jul 1, 2014
One of the new features in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 is the ability to enter formulas like ‘%me’ and ‘%myitems’ while setting filters. Dynamics NAV then replaces the formula with values while applying the filter. Some of the formulas that comes standard are for example; ‘%me’ and ‘%user’ will be converted in to the USERID, […]
16Jun 24, 2014
I have never used Microsoft OneNote that much, never really seen a need for it (I usually just have my notes in Word). So, when Microsoft announced that there will be a OneNote integration with Dynamics NAV last year I didn’t think that much about it. But when I finally tried it out myself I […]
17Jun 15, 2014
A common request is to activate item tracking (lot numbers and/or serials numbers) for items that already have transactions (item ledger entries). In Microsoft Dynamics NAV you can’t really do this without going ‘behind the scenes’ and tweaking the data. What I have done a couple of times is to change the check on the […]
18Jun 12, 2014
Here is a small trick that I have used a couple of times to turn the report selections into a selection dialog in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The report selection table in Dynamics NAV is used to specify what report(s) to run when a user prints a document such as an order confirmation. Part of the […]
19May 28, 2014
Here is an example of how to create a custom chart in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 using the business chart control add-in that is provided by the Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.BusinessChart.dll assembly. It sounds complicated, but it is actually quite easy. The example shows how to create a work center load chart that shows available vs. allocated […]
20May 22, 2014
Here is a super simple, but very useful modification for displaying the rolled-up costs on the item card in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The item table has 10 standard fields that contain the rolled-up costs that are calculated during a regular standard cost roll-up. Those fields are not by default added to the item card; just adding […]